Source code for mcareader

"""A minimal python interface to read Amptek's mca files"""

import re
import sys
import warnings

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy.stats import linregress

from io import open  # python 2 compatibility

__author__ = 'Dih5'
__version__ = "0.4.0"

def _str_to_array(s, sep=" "):
    Convert a string to a numpy array

        s (str): The string
        sep (str): The separator in the string.

        (`numpy.ndarray`): The 2D array with the data.

    line_len = len(np.fromstring(s[:s.find('\n')], sep=sep))
    return np.reshape(np.fromstring(s, sep=sep), (-1, line_len))

[docs]class Mca: """ A mca file. Attributes: raw(str): The text of the file. calibration_points (`numpy.ndarray`): The 2D array with the calibration data or None if there is no such information. """
[docs] def __init__(self, file, encoding='iso-8859-15', calibration=None): """ Load the content of a mca file. Args: file(str): The path to the file. encoding (str): The encoding to use to read the file. calibration (str or list): A path with a file used to read calibration or a 2D matrix describing it. """ with open(file, "r", encoding=encoding) as f: self.raw = if calibration is None: self.calibration_points = self.get_calibration_points() elif isinstance(calibration, str): self.calibration_points = Mca(calibration, encoding=encoding).get_calibration_points() else: self.calibration_points = np.asarray(calibration) if self.calibration_points is None: warnings.warn("Warning: no calibration data was found. Using channel number instead of energy")
[docs] def get_section(self, section): """ Find the str representing a section in the MCA file. Args: section(str): The name of the section to search for. Returns: (str): The text of the section or "" if not found. """ m = re.match(r"(?:.*)(^<<%s>>$)(.*?)(?:<<.*>>)" % section, self.raw, re.DOTALL + re.MULTILINE) return if m else ""
[docs] def get_variable(self, variable): """ Find the str representing a variable in the MCA file. Args: variable(str): The name of the variable to search for. Returns: (str): The text of the value or "" if not found. """ # There are various patterns used in the file, depending on the section # Just try them all # Pattern 1: FOO - VALUE m = re.match(r"(?:.*)%s - (.*?)$" % variable, self.raw, re.DOTALL + re.MULTILINE) # Pattern 2: FOO=VALUE; EXPLANATION if not m: m = re.match(r"(?:.*)%s=(.*?);" % variable, self.raw, re.DOTALL + re.MULTILINE) # Pattern 3: FOO: VALUE if not m: m = re.match(r"(?:.*)%s: (.*?)$" % variable, self.raw, re.DOTALL + re.MULTILINE) return if m else ""
[docs] def get_calibration_points(self): """ Get the calibration points from the MCA file, regardless of the calibration parameter used to create the object. Returns: (`numpy.ndarray`): The 2D array with the data or None if there is no calibration data. """ cal = self.get_section("CALIBRATION") if not cal: return cal = cal[cal.find('\n') + 1:] # remove first line return _str_to_array(cal)
[docs] def get_calibration_function(self, method=None): """ Get a calibration function from the file. Args: method(str): The method to use. Available methods include: * 'bestfit': A linear fit in the sense of least-squares (default). * 'interpolation': Use a linear interpolation. Returns: (`Callable`): A function mapping channel number to energy. Note the first channel is number 0. """ points = self.calibration_points if points is None: # User was already warned when the object was created. return np.vectorize(lambda x: x) info = sys.version_info if info[0] == 3 and info[1] < 4 or info[0] == 2 and info[1] < 7: # py2 < 2.7 or py3 < 3.4 extrapolation_support = False else: extrapolation_support = True if method is None: method = "bestfit" if method == "interpolation" and not extrapolation_support: warnings.warn("Warning: extrapolation not supported with active Python interpreter. Using best fit instead") method = "bestfit" if method == "interpolation": return interpolate.interp1d(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], fill_value="extrapolate") elif method == "bestfit": slope, intercept, _, _, _ = linregress(points[:, 0], points[:, 1]) return np.vectorize(lambda x: slope * x + intercept) else: raise ValueError("Unknown method: %s" % method)
[docs] def get_points(self, calibration_method=None, trim_zeros=True, background=None): """ Get the points of the spectrum. Args: calibration_method (str): The method used for the calibration. See `get_calibration_function`. trim_zeros (bool): Whether to remove values with no counts. background (`Mca`): An spectrum describing a background to subtract from the returned points. The background is scaled using the REAL_TIME parameters. Returns: (tuple): tuple containing: x (List[float]): The list of x coordinates (mean bin energy). y (List[float]): The list of y coordinates (counts in each bin). """ f = self.get_calibration_function(method=calibration_method) yy = _str_to_array(self.get_section("DATA"))[:, 0] if background: background_yy = _str_to_array(background.get_section("DATA"))[:, 0] yy -= background_yy * (float(self.get_variable("REAL_TIME")) / float(background.get_variable("REAL_TIME"))) xx = f(range(len(yy))) if trim_zeros: yy = np.trim_zeros(yy, 'f') xx = xx[len(xx) - len(yy):] yy = np.trim_zeros(yy, 'b') removed_count = len(yy) - len(xx) if removed_count: # Then removed_count is negative xx = xx[:len(yy) - len(xx)] return xx, yy
[docs] def get_counts(self, calibration_method=None, background=None): """ Get the number of counts in the spectrum. Args: calibration_method (str): The method used for the calibration. See `get_calibration_function`. background (`Mca`): An spectrum describing a background to subtract from the returned points. The background is scaled using the REAL_TIME parameters. Returns: (float): Number of counts in the spectrum. """ xx, yy = self.get_points(calibration_method=calibration_method, background=background) return sum(yy)
[docs] def get_total_energy(self, calibration_method=None, background=None): """ Get the total energy in the spectrum. Args: calibration_method (str): The method used for the calibration. See `get_calibration_function`. background (`Mca`): An spectrum describing a background to subtract from the returned points. The background is scaled using the REAL_TIME parameters. Returns: (float): Total energy of counts in the spectrum, in the units set in the calibration. If there is no calibration available, a meaningless number is returned. """ xx, yy = self.get_points(calibration_method=calibration_method, background=background) return sum([x * y for x, y in zip(xx, yy)])
[docs] def plot(self, log_y=False, log_x=False, calibration_method=None, background=None): """ Show a plot of the spectrum. Args: log_y(bool): Whether the y-axis is in logarithmic scale. log_x(bool): Whether the x-axis is in logarithmic scale. calibration_method (str): The method used for the calibration. See `get_calibration_function`. background (`Mca`): An spectrum describing a background to subtract from the returned points. The background is scaled using the REAL_TIME parameters. """ xx, yy = self.get_points(calibration_method=calibration_method, background=background) if log_y and log_x: plt.loglog(xx, yy) elif log_y: plt.semilogy(xx, yy) elif log_x: plt.semilogx(xx, yy) else: plt.plot(xx, yy)